I would like to calculate the 12-month rolling average for each product (Column B) based on the Current Month and Current Year (displayed in cells B1:B2) going backwards - see excel file attached.
For example, if the current month is Jun-20 and I want to calculate the 12-month rolling average for the product Blue, I would calculate the average for the Value assigned to the product Blue only (i.e., exclude the other product in the list) for the past 12 months starting with Jun-20 and going backwards to Jun-19.
Thank you in advance for all your help and support in this matter.
I would like to calculate the 12-month rolling average for each product (Column B) based on the Current Month and Current Year (displayed in cells B1:B2) going backwards - see excel file attached.
For example, if the current month is Jun-20 and I want to calculate the 12-month rolling average for the product Blue, I would calculate the average for the Value assigned to the product Blue only (i.e., exclude the other product in the list) for the past 12 months starting with Jun-20 and going backwards to Jun-19.
Thank you in advance for all your help and support in this matter.