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Search results

  1. M

    Dynamic dashboard of textual records?

    Thank you, Hui. I know it can be done; it is just a matter of time. Thank you for looking, and thank you also for your resource suggestions; I will certainly have a look at them. But I'm a bit bull-headed, too, in that I like to solve my own problems, so I will likely continue to chip away...
  2. M

    Dynamic dashboard of textual records?

    Thanks, Hui, Here is a linky for you (or anyone else, for that matter). https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0Bw1uQ4_TfaU0NmFlMjNhOWQtYTQyOC00NDY4LTllYWMtNjAzNzU2N2M2YTc2&hl=en&authkey=CPSAkPIO I think it gets the point across, but let me know if you have questions. I tried to go with a...
  3. M

    Dynamic dashboard of textual records?

    Hui, Thanks for responding. Yes, of course I can produce a dataset to share with you, plus I can generate a mock-up of what I wish to achieve. How/where do I post it here?
  4. M

    Dynamic dashboard of textual records?

    Chandoo, Thanks for such a wonderful Excel resource! I am still a macro newbie, and definitely a dashboard newbie, but I'm excited at the prospect of becoming "more awesome!" Anyway, here is a question for which I cannot seem to find a solution. My scrubbed data could be described as this...