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  1. S

    Data Validation Problem [SOLVED]

    Thanks a lot. That was really helpful.
  2. S

    Data Validation Problem [SOLVED]

    Given below is a sample of my worksheet. I have 8 service areas and there are about 10 defined inquiries under each service area. So when an inquiry comes I will first select the service area and then the inquiry (I have data validation to avoid typing error). Service area selection is alright...
  3. S

    Call Inquiry Tracker

    Thanks for your reply, I have given below a sample. Here when I enter Recruitment under Function then under inquiry column only the 4 inquiries related to recruitment should come for selection. I think filters only will help after the data is entered. Date Function Inquiry...
  4. S

    Call Inquiry Tracker

    Thanks a lot for your help. Can I please ask another question? For the same spreadsheet above, I have my inquiries grouped under functions that is, Leave of absence will have 5 existing inquiries, Recruitment will have 4 existing inquiries. What I want is if i select Recruitment then I want...
  5. S

    Call Inquiry Tracker

    Hello I am using spreadsheet to track call inquiries that come on the phone in order to track new and existing(already mentioned in the Q&A company intranet) inquiries. My issue is I can give data validation for existing inquiries (helps me reduce typo error) but when a new inquiry comes I use...
  6. S

    Workload Tracker

    Thanks for the Post. I will go through it and see what I can come up with. Thanks for your time. I appreciate it.
  7. S

    Workload Tracker

    I want to create a dashboard that tracks workload for 4 employees for 4 months. My issue is the tasks performed by each can differ sometimes and so altogether I will have about 50 tasks. The time and date for the start and end of the tasks will be recorded by the employees and then the...
  8. S

    Output to List as Duplicate using Excel Formulaes

    Hello I have given below a sample table where in the 2nd Column the output is shown. Is there anyway to display the same output using Excel Formulas? Name Duplicate/Not Ann Not Steve Duplicate Tom Duplicate Mark Not Steve Duplicate Tom Duplicate Tom Duplicate Thanks Sony
  9. S

    Issue with Duplicate Values when counting data

    Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!! It works wonderful...... Cheers
  10. S

    Issue with Duplicate Values when counting data

    Thanks for the Response But my problem is I don't want Id's to figure in my Calculations. It should be with respect to the Name and the Team. Since the data volume I have is quite huge, using Id's is not practical. My Summary sheet looks something similar to this...
  11. S

    Issue with Duplicate Values when counting data

    Given below is a sample of data I work on : Cov_Ids Name Team 13554 Ajay AUS 13554 Ajay AUS 13554 Ajay AUS 13555 Ajay AUS 13555 Ajay AUS 13555 Ajay AUS 13555 Ajay AUS 13555 Ajay AUS 13556 Allen Europe 13556 Allen Europe 13557 Steve USA 13557 Steve USA 13557 Steve USA 13557 Steve...