Thanks a lot this is exactly what i need it, and Chandoo gave already the solution but as my excel version is in french I couldn't make it work. Now that I download the file it convert it in french.
Thanks for everybody that gave help again.
here is another sample workbook.
What I want is alternate the row color each time the values in column A changes.
I said that "=MOD($A1,2)=0" & "=MOD($A1,2)=1" works fine if it is a normal sequence but in case there is not a normal...
Thanks Hui,
it may sound stupid but I couldn't find the way to upload my sample file.
Anyway I have already checked your link and "=MOD($A1,2)=0" & "=MOD($A1,2)=1" may give the impression that is working.
But what if two odd numbers or even numbers are in sequence.
Sorry but none of these issues works and I forgot to mention in my title post that it is alternating depending a cell value of the column AA.
Anyway I couldn't test the excelhero's formula.
Thank if someone could analyze this problem helping me.
Hi everybody,
I like to write a conditional formatting rule that will alternate the row color each time that the cell value changes.
for example in column A1
1 ----> line will be red
1 ----> line will be red
1 ----> line will be red
2 ----> line will be blue