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  1. M

    combine excel to single masterfile

    Ron de Bruin also does a really neat Excel Add-in that utilises his various merging techniques: http://www.rondebruin.nl/merge.htm it is very versatile, and pretty fast.
  2. M

    Theoretical possibility question

    the code to copy the cells is Range("A2:A12").Select Selection.Copy and to paste them is Range("A13").Select ActiveSheet.Paste
  3. M

    Excel to Google Calendar

    Cheers I've placed a working copy of this spreadsheet along with some instructions in my public Skydrive folder, if its of any use to anyone else. http://goo.gl/UIlQZ it's called "g-cal export.xlsm" - Excel 2007 format ~Mark
  4. M

    Excel to Google Calendar

    sorted the looping problem now (number 2 above) ADDED Chr(13) to the end of 'tempstr' tempstr = Mid(tempstr, 1, Len(tempstr) - 1) & Chr(13) SET 'tempstr' to "" before it starts on the next row Print #myFreeFile, tempstr ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select tempstr = "" Still...
  5. M

    Excel to Google Calendar

    Hi VijaySharma many thanks for the super speedy reply. some bits are working, the output .csv file has the correct number of quotation marks and commas. but two things are not working: 1) the time columns are coming out as "0.375" and "0.416" rather "9:00 AM" and "10:00 AM" - they are...
  6. M

    Excel to Google Calendar

    Hi I often find that I have lists of events in Excel that I want to add to a Google Calendar. The easiest way I have found to do this is use a spot of Custom Formatting in Excel and then Copy & Paste the cells to Notepad and create a .txt file. You can then import this .txt into Google...
  7. M

    Hiding colored rows in excel of office xp version

    thanks Hui & Luke, its working now
  8. M

    Hiding colored rows in excel of office xp version

    Hi, I'm trying to modify this code to hide columns where the font colour in Row 3 is TintAndShade = -0.249977111117893 The last column is "OZ". This is what i've got so far. But I'm getting a 1004 error when i try and run it, any suggestions about what i've got wrong? Thanks
  9. M


    Hi Luke, > IN is your sheet name, not a function. =P yeah I realised that on my way home last night - DOH! Thanks again Mark
  10. M


    #Luke M - many thanks for the speedy reply and simple explanation. I hadn't come across the IN function/formula before, and as far as i can see its not in the Excel Help File, so could you also explain the syntax for IN please? I use the IN function with Access regularly, so it was one of...
  11. M


    Hi Chandoo, please look at the "sales figures.xlsx" workbook: https://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=a609bc90f0bd6d0c&resid=A609BC90F0BD6D0C!404 or if that link doesn't work (something to do with the !) - try http://goo.gl/HL1Ei There are notes on the OUT tab that explain what my...
  12. M

    Polar Area Chart aka SPIE charts

    Thanks Luke Not quite what i was looking for, but its given me some ideas.
  13. M

    Polar Area Chart aka SPIE charts

    Re: Luke M > "Is there some great benefit to making the bars go around in a circle?" here is an article that explains why they are useful: http://www.neoformix.com/2006/MultiLevelPieChart.html
  14. M

    Polar Area Chart aka SPIE charts

    i was wondering inf anyone knew if it is possible in XL to plot what i believe is known as a Polar Area Chart or SPIE chart. This is a pie chart with equal angled slices, but where the radius varies depending on the data. Famously Florence Nightingale used such a diagram, to show the causes...