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Search results

  1. A

    Selecting Data based on Number Range in a Column

    Thank you so much G and Peter!! I have uploaded the excel file. Hey Peter, I will a few 100 of these and we will select different times based on a average from a column. so it will not always be in the middle. So the goal is to type the time range based a graph and get the results. So this...
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    Selecting Data based on Number Range in a Column

    How do I select data based on a number range in a column. As shown in the uploaded file, I want people to type the time range(red color) in the 2 cells shaded blue. And excel will calculate the averages for the variables shown in green (Actual RMR, R, Vo2 and so forth) for example, the Actual...
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    Share Point

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    Share Point

    Thank you for the comment. Obviously, the downloading and uploading is only authorized supervisors. Users enter numbers by 'edit in browser or online" option in sharepoint. And there are lot of rows hence a pain to work with. Does it make sense?
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    Share Point

    How do I Freeze the top row in a share point excel document? Thank you! Anoop
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    Change Links to Word from Excel

    I made a report in word that enables me to pull values from excel to the word doc. I used paste -special-unformatted link. I have like 10 tabs in excel. And depending on the age, the data is stored on different tabs ( 45-50, 50-55). How do I get the same cell data into the linked word doc, but...
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    Drop Down Table

    here is the link the drop box: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/40338533/test.xlsx If you notice, I have 3 tables under 'strength'. There is lot mor pages in each workbook. I just posted one. It would be lot user friendly, if people could click 'strength' and the 3 tables just drops down than...
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    Drop Down Table

    how do you attach a file here? or just email you? Thanks!!
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    Drop Down Table

    I have a 5-6 tables in one worksheet. Is there anyway to make these drops downs? So that when I click the subheading the corresponding table just drops down. I know you can do with grouping, but was looking at much more user friendly way where you just click the sub heading.
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    Convert reference cells to actual values

    anyone know how to do this?
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    Convert reference cells to actual values

    I want to keep the forumlae too. For example, I want to calculate the Z score which is =(Raw Score-C1)/D2. I want the actual values from the reference cells to replace C1 & D2. So when they enter the raw score, they get the answer. These values are from different tables that I can easily paste...
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    Convert reference cells to actual values

    Hey Faseeh, Thanks! But I want to delete the reference table after I insert them into the formuale. But if I use Indirect and then delete, the values get deleted too. Basically, I am asking if I can pull the actual values from the reference cells and then I can delete the reference cells...
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    Convert reference cells to actual values

    Hello, I have a lot of tables that I have copied to excel. I have used another formuale to reference these values in the tables. Does anyone know how to have the actual values show up in my new formulae than the cell references (like B6 or C8)? I just want to save time by not retyping each...
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    Highlight Today For Tasklist

    Thanks!! What if i want to highlight the weekends too ( sat & sun)?
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    Highlight Today For Tasklist

    Cool. Thanks . That was easy! I got no clue how that dollar sign works.
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    Highlight Today For Tasklist

    How do you highlight the coloumn when the date is Today in the top date row. This is for a daily task list. This way I can see what day is today. I can highlight the cell when the date is today with conditional formatting. But cannot get the column of the cell to highlight.