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Search results

  1. S

    Formula Challenge 011 - distinct/duplicate/unique array from text AND numbers

    Assuming data starts in A1, how about: Dups - =TRANSPOSE(OFFSET(A1,SMALL(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(COUNTIF(m,m)>1,MATCH(m,m,0)),ROW(m)),ROW(m)),ROW(OFFSET(A1,,,SUM(N(FREQUENCY(MATCH(m,m,),MATCH(m,m,))>1)))))-1,)) Distinct -...
  2. S

    Formula Challenge 009 -The Difference between the Latest and Earliest instance

    How about =ABS(LOOKUP(9^9,SEARCH(D2,Client),Amt)-VLOOKUP(D2,Data,2,0))
  3. S

    Formula Challenge 005 - Count Number of times a sublist occurs in a list

    Hi Guys, Just joined the forum.. Very interesting challenges!! If I understand this one correctly, you need to find the number of SubList items that occur in List, i.e. in the sample, both Two and Three appear in List and hence the answer is 2. Jeff, if you add another value to both List...