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Search results

  1. M

    Conditional Formatting or Expiration Dates [SOLVED]

    Figured it out. Thanks for the help all!
  2. M

    Conditional Formatting or Expiration Dates [SOLVED]

    Thanks for the great suggestions. I created some codes that got the result that I wanted before I received your replies but am having an issue that blank cells are now being conditionally formatted as well. Code I wrote was: =TODAY()>A1 FORMATTED AS RED =TODAY()+30>A1...
  3. M

    Conditional Formatting or Expiration Dates [SOLVED]

    I'm trying to create a spreadsheet that list staff names on the X and various certifications on the Y axis. I'd like to make the format the cells so that when a certification expiration date is approaching it turns yellow within 3 months of expiration and red when expired.