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  1. M

    Formula to mark if multiple conditions are met

    I actually found a way around it, the original approach was too long-winded. Thanks for giving it a try anyway. I'm still a beginner in Excel so sometimes things that make sense in my head don't quite make sense to others
  2. M

    Formula to mark if multiple conditions are met

    http://tinypic.com/r/w9wdqo/5 I want to know when the same customer buys at different stores on the same date. I used an if formula as follows but it didn't seem to work: =IF(A2=A3&D2=D3,IF(C2=C3,"","X"),"") Any advice/help is much appreciated. Thanks.
  3. M

    Formula to copy Customer Code to appropriate cells [SOLVED]

    Note to others: Sometimes, the equivalent of CTRL on a Mac is not the Command button. I learned my lesson today!
  4. M

    Formula to copy Customer Code to appropriate cells [SOLVED]

    Yay, that definitely worked. Thank you so much Narayan!! that was extremely helpful!
  5. M

    Formula to copy Customer Code to appropriate cells [SOLVED]

    Hi Narayan, Thanks, I followed both your instruction on the final blank cell and the link's technique. However, it only worked with the first data I needed to repeat. Going back to your example Data1 Data2 Data3 After I did [Command + Enter] only the blank cells after Data1 is filled...
  6. M

    Formula to copy Customer Code to appropriate cells [SOLVED]

    Hi all, I wouldn't call myself proficient in Excel but I'm familiar with basic formulas, filters, conditional formatting, etc. This dataset that I'm trying to analyze (picture) has a structure that I'm trying to manipulate to make it easier to analyze. i'm trying to calculate the average...