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  1. F

    selected cell records [SOLVED]

    frasertrance gmail com
  2. F

    selected cell records [SOLVED]

    Is it possible for you to send me the excel file with inbuilt macro code. I am trying , but gettin some error message. sorry! for the trouble and thanks
  3. F

    selected cell records [SOLVED]

    To clarify one more time In sheet1 I have information in the following cells as below this is just an eg. D8 - ABC D5 - 123 D6 - 456 F5 - 789 F6 - TRT D14 - 222 D15 - 333 D16 - 444 D17 - 555 D18 - 666 D19 - 777 D20 - 888 H24 - XYZ I24 - WER After clicking the command button in...
  4. F

    selected cell records [SOLVED]

    To clarify one more time In sheet1 I have information in the following cells as below this is just an eg. D8 - ABC D5 - 123 D6 - 456 F5 - 789 F6 - TRT D14 - 222 D15 - 333 D16 - 444 D17 - 555 D18 - 666 D19 - 777 D20 - 888 H24 - XYZ I24 - WER After clicking the command button in...
  5. F

    selected cell records [SOLVED]

    Sorry! There is a slight miss understanding. In the Invoice sheet I have information at the above mentioned cells. I have just listed down the cells for information purpose. What I want is at the click of a button the information in the above mentioned cells should get transferred in the...
  6. F

    selected cell records [SOLVED]

    I have designed in excel-2007 an invoice kind of format. There are certain cell details but at different positions which at present I copy and paste it on the other sheet in a row form. Any method whereby after making all the entries in the Invoice sheet , I click a button and the cells...
  7. F

    Adding records

    That was excellent but one mistake from my side Since the chart is formula based the cells D5 to D14 always has numbers from 1 to 10 mentioned. i.e after I get the phone call I add say for eg one number 11456 in D5 the other cells from D6 to D14 will have number from 2 to 10. As the call...
  8. F

    Adding records

    I have a chart in a sheet in excel 2007 named Calculation. In this sheet I have a range of fixed cells from D5 to D14 where in I enter a code number which can be both numeric or alpha-numeric. Entire day I get non-stop phone calls and get group of code numbers which can be from 1 to 10...