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Search results

  1. J

    Excel - Return Value Based on Key Words Within Cell

    Thank you everyone who replied! I am going to try a few of these out. Unfortunately there are a few exceptions where parts of names overlap, but not many.
  2. J

    Excel - Return Value Based on Key Words Within Cell

    Hello! I am new to these forums, but have been using the resources for awhile now. I am stuck on how to approach this issue explained below, even after searching for similar problems. I am looking for a formula that can search one column for specific key words, and then return a secondary...
  3. J

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hello, I work for a telecom company as a consultant and while I don't use Excel frequentlyy, I have had the opportunity to become familiar with the basics. Although what I consider the basics seems to be "super advanced" for most people I meet. I come across some tricky problems where I...