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  1. A

    Disabling automatic calculations on excel sheets

    I did try that actually and did that for two days..the new workbook is not inheriting the parents's properties? can that happen only for my version of MS office? anything that i can do to change this?
  2. A

    Disabling automatic calculations on excel sheets

    Hey, this is quite basic and I have done all those steps; there is a continuing problem with the new workbooks that other people send me, which are not defaulted to that option; once I open those books, it calculates automatically those workbooks..
  3. A

    Disabling automatic calculations on excel sheets

    Hi, I am not an expert user of excel but get my way around it. I have disabled all automatic calculations on my excel, but everytime I get a new excel sheet from someone, it starts calculating automatically; most of our models are 30MB+ in size (leaving that painful issue behind) and automatic...
  4. A

    Huge Excel sheet problem optimizing it and reducing size

    Hi, I am interning at a mutual funds division of a large firm and working on a revenue model. The model is already developed and is huge. I need to optimize it in terms of speed and efficiency overall. Problems are: it is very slow. It has more than 42 worksheets and is 23 MB right now. It...