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Search results

  1. A

    Find top 5 values with duplicates [SOLVED]

    I truly appreciate everyone's expertise and time helping to resolve my issue. Debraj's recommendation works wonderfully. Again, thank you!
  2. A

    Find top 5 values with duplicates [SOLVED]

    Hello and thank you for your reply. The risk values are listed: 36, 30, etc which would be in column C. Based on this number I would like to pull the contents of column B associated with the highest risk values into the dashboard. If, say, two risks had a value of 36 (the highest possible on my...
  3. A

    Find top 5 values with duplicates [SOLVED]

    Hello Chandoo.org community. I developed a Risk Register where each risk is associated with a number value (column B). I want the top 5 risk names (column A) to show on a dashboard based on their numeric value. I can do this with Index + Match + Large functions as long as none of the number...