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  1. O

    VLOOKUP and Named Formula

    Narayan, Sorry, I could have been clearer. "nc" in my notation refers to "named calculation" nc_Metric1, nc_Metric2 and nc_Metric2 are defined calculations and the formulae are shown in the shaded table on the right. They are, if you like, halfway houses in the calculations. So, for...
  2. O

    Find top 5 values with duplicates [SOLVED]

    Hi, Can you please clarify what appears to be numbers in Column C: 36, 36, 20 etc? Are these the numeric risks? Also, what do you want to do if (say) the 5th and 6th risks have the same numeric value? Does it matter which is on your dashboard? I would do this by "individualising" the...
  3. O

    VLOOKUP and Named Formula

    Narayan, Thanks for the response. I did try but is does not seem to work with mine. In my case "MASTER1" (using your terms) refers to a defined calculation rather than a cell. Thanks Oliver
  4. O

    VLOOKUP and Named Formula

    Apologies I should have thought about that. http://db.tt/LknCLXGv I hope this works. I think the yellow cells show what I want to do. I am trying to get the yellow cell in column G to perform the same way as the one in column H Many thanks Oliver
  5. O

    VLOOKUP and Named Formula

    Hello, I have a vlookup calculation, the result of which returns the name of a named formula. What I want the vlookup calculation to do is to compute the named formula rather than return the name of the named formula as a text string. How do I do that? Many thanks