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Search results

  1. B

    Pivot Table Calculated Field - % error #DIV/0!

    Hi, Try using the positional attributes in the calculated items to test for 0 or other errors as in: =IF(FY[-2]=0,0,(FY[-1]-FY[-2])/FY[-2]) It avoided the division by zero reference. It did force a turn off of the automatic sorts however.
  2. B

    Flip names [SOLVED]

    Hi James, Try =RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2)-FIND(",",A2)-1) &" "&LEFT(A2,FIND(",",A2)-1) where your "Last Name, First Name" is in cell A2. Or you can highlight your column and do the Data | Text to Columns feature using the comma as the separator. This will give you two columns: Last Name and First...
  3. B

    How to use a Rank in a Pivot Table with Multiple Row Labels

    I have a pivot table with Rep, Manager, Sales, and Goal. I created a calculated field to show the Sales / Goal called Sales %. I want to now show the rank of each rep across the entire set of reps. Excel keeps wanting to show me the rank within each Manager regardless of me telling the rank...