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Search results

  1. E

    SUMPRODUCT, IF, SUMIF or... with an array and some subraction

    Dear SirJB7, Thank you for your informative post. I have made an introduction. I did search through the forum for an answer to my issue before posting but did not see anything. If I missed it and you want to point me to a previous post that is pertinent, please do. In theory your solution...
  2. E

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi. My name is Erin. I just joined Chandoo today but have been lurking around for a while. Thanks for having a very informative site. I work with a civil engineering company in California and use Excel a lot. My clients are comfortable with it and I think it holds a ton of capabilities. I...
  3. E

    SUMPRODUCT, IF, SUMIF or... with an array and some subraction

    Hi. I've been using SUMPRODUCT with arrays throughout this project, but now I need to end the array checking with subtraction. I am getting a #VALUE value (which is usually formatting, but the formatting checks out). =SUMPRODUCT(--('All Transactions'!AE2:AE5348=' Budget Financial...