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Search results

  1. S

    Mass Check Box VBA with specific Sheet Name reference

    Hui! You're a genius thank you :) Narayan - I need to copy the specific checkboxes onto another sheet but with the same cell link. It's basically a to do list with a dashboard connection. Cheers all
  2. S

    Mass Check Box VBA with specific Sheet Name reference

    Hi Guys, This below macro works great - HOWEVER how would I assign it so that it is worksheet specific?? Ie when you select a check box it is linked to "sheet1"$b$9 not just $B$9. I can't seem to make it work.... Hope that makes sense! Cheers Sammy Sub AddCheckBoxes() On Error Resume...
  3. S

    Gah! Date switches around for my Userforms

    Hi! Thank you so much for your help! I'm sorry to seem daft but I don't understand - I wrote code to overwrite the default format settings...and it has worked in some parts of the spreadsheet (like when adding the entry) but switches when the userform is populated to update existing...
  4. S

    Does anyone do this for a job?

    Hello! I am a new member but I've been a fan of this website for a while. Love it! So I have recently become excel obsessed, I am studying a bbus at Uni majoring in IT and love building databases, excel programs in my spare time (because I am a massive nerd ;) My question is - what kind of...
  5. S

    Gah! Date switches around for my Userforms

    Howdy! I am a newbie VBA'er Ok so I have built a database with userforms to add info and then update info based on code. As I am in Aus I need the date format to be correct. I am almost there! However the date switches every time (eg one time it 09/10/13 and then the next time its...