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  1. N

    Auto expansion of Dropdown list

    I'll keep that in mind. As for the tie and the avatar, I don't know where that came from. I didn't even choose an avatar when registering and I can't find a way to change it either.
  2. N

    Auto expansion of Dropdown list

    You are a mad genius! Moving it to Selection instead of change. Brilliant idea! That fixed it. That fixed all of it! Props to you, sir! You have won the Internets for today!
  3. N

    Auto expansion of Dropdown list

    Yeah. Wow. That takes care of the return at end of row. Perfect. As for the drop downs... Sure! No worries mate. After all, you aren't even obligated to spend your precious time trying to help obnoxious pricks like me :P I am grateful for your help so far.
  4. N

    Auto expansion of Dropdown list

    Thanks for taking the time to reply. You can find a copy of the file in question at http://db.tt/vSV3Z6qz As you can see I have a Private Sub Worksheet_Change and a Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange The first, unhides the next row when the A column of current last row is filled in, and...
  5. N

    Auto expansion of Dropdown list

    Hi all. Along these same lines, I have data validation set up for all cells in column B. How can I go about auto-expanding the cell I highlight? I want them to auto expand when I click on a cell in B and have the adjacent cell in A = not blank. Tried changing the script above to: Private...