Thanks for the welcome. I really enjoy all the information on this site, and the help through the forums. I do have a follow up, now that I have downloaded the example spreadsheet. I'm trying to determine how to make 'chtProductBreakup' see through. In other words, on the Interactive Sales...
Hi Hui,
Thanks for the reply. I understand how to find the data, if I had the actual spreadsheet. However, the one I'm referencing is a sample dashboard, that Chandoo walks through on a video. Unless I overlooked it, I do not see a way to download the actual spreadsheet.
I've watched the video from Chandoo on how the Interactive Sales Dashboard was created, but I still have some holes in my trying to create it myself, so I can learn from it moving forward. Could someone help me understand which tab/list is named 'plstYears' (I assume the same tab are subsequest...