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Search results

  1. M

    Removing duplicates

    hi Narayank, pls share your email-id i can send by email, unable to upload the file.. Mohan
  2. M

    Removing duplicates

    can any one help in this Regards, Mohan
  3. M

    Removing duplicates

    Hi all Thanks for your reply but still i am not able to find the value.. duplicates should be remove by (same Cseuser same mobile and same date Actiontime less than 60sec) that means cseuser=mobile=1st actiontime-2nd actiontime less than 60sec are duplicate and >60sec are not...
  4. M

    Removing duplicates

    hi all can any one help in this Regards, Mohan
  5. M

    Removing duplicates

    hi Bob, on Actiontime Thanks Regards, Mohan
  6. M

    Removing duplicates

    Hi all, please help to remove duplicates in excel by following step. below is the table. ID Mobile CSEUser Date ActionTime 384057 9591000002 depashreeshende 1-May-13 5/1/2013 7:17 384058 8870000003 rasidakhtar 1-May-13 5/1/2013 7:26 384059 8870000003 rasidakhtar 1-May-13 5/1/2013 7:27...