Hi all
Thanks for your reply but still i am not able to find the value..
duplicates should be remove by (same Cseuser same mobile and same date Actiontime less than 60sec) that means cseuser=mobile=1st actiontime-2nd actiontime less than 60sec are duplicate and >60sec are not...
Hi all,
please help to remove duplicates in excel by following step.
below is the table.
ID Mobile CSEUser Date ActionTime
384057 9591000002 depashreeshende 1-May-13 5/1/2013 7:17
384058 8870000003 rasidakhtar 1-May-13 5/1/2013 7:26
384059 8870000003 rasidakhtar 1-May-13 5/1/2013 7:27...