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  1. S

    small doubt in conditional formatting

    i have put the demo file in the location https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/83159368/demo.xlsx here i want the conditional formatting in column name trial1 and trial2 i was able to put in a single cell when tried to copy to other cells i am not able to do it.
  2. S

    small doubt in conditional formatting

    i don't want in the macro . as i need to change the reference values ie. X column frequently. as using macro here my row and column header are in numbers only. the cell numbers are like RC[13]. is there any way to do it.
  3. S

    small doubt in conditional formatting

    i have prepared a sheet. where the values in the sheet are copied using marco. i need to apply conditional formatting to the sheet. example x | Y 2 | 5 3 | 2 here the X values are the reference values. if the y is greater than x the cell should be in green and red colour for the other way...
  4. S

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    hi guys, i am sanjay from india. i am working in a automotive industry. Here excel automation is must. using Chandoo i am learning a lot. Thanks chandoo