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  1. B

    Problems with an addition formula

    NARAYANK991 - that's perfect. Thank you very much. jason - If the hours don't go over 5 in a month the Overage is 0. I have another formula that totals "Total Bulk Hours" (23) "Total Paid Bulk Hours" (15) "Bulk Hour Overage" (8)(for each quarter) & the "Bulk Hour Overage 2013". I went over...
  2. B

    Problems with an addition formula

    Example 1: Customer pre-pays for 5 bulk hours, customer used 16.75 hours, the answer should be 11.75. This is what i'm using =IF(B3<=5,(B3),(B3-C3)) B3 (Bulk Hours) is 16.75 - C3 (Pre-Paid Bulk Hours) is 5 - D3 (Overage Bulk Hours)should be 11.75. Example 2: Customer pre-pays for 5 bulk...