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Search results

  1. U

    Dynamic name in sum product

    bluetauran, You can use the INDIRECT function for this purpose. =SUMPRODUCT(INDIRECT("FCAST"&B14),INDIRECT("PROFIT"&B14))
  2. U

    How to lookup a Value from a horizontal table ?

    If you have Months in B1:G1, and Sales in B2:G2 try =INDEX($B$1:$G$1,,MATCH(MAX($B$2:$G$2),$B$2:$G$2,0))
  3. U

    Visualising off the chart Growth

    You may want to consider logarithmic scales. If you display several trend charts, e.g. small multiples on a dashboard, horizon charts may give you some interesting additional information. For more info on horizon charts, you can check this article...
  4. U

    Is there a way to easily generate a series of named ranges

    Hui, You just made my day - thanks a lot! I am actually running 2007 but can only make your 2003 code work. Btw, no translation of the offset string was needed. Ulrik
  5. U

    Is there a way to easily generate a series of named ranges

    Could language have something to say - I use a non English edition? I am thinking of the Offset string...
  6. U

    Is there a way to easily generate a series of named ranges

    Hi Hui, Thanks for the quick reply. However, I can't make the code work. Initially I got a compile error so I added the Dim's but that didn't help either. Sub Setup_KPI_Names() Dim i As Integer Dim Nm As String Dim NmTo As String For i = 1 To 50 Nm = "KPI_" & Trim(Str(i))...
  7. U

    Is there a way to easily generate a series of named ranges

    I am looking for a way to easily generate a series of names for some dynamic ranges. For instance I want to define these dynamic ranges for later use in charts: KPI_1 = OFFSET(KPI,1,3,1,MTH) KPI_2 = OFFSET(KPI,2,3,1,MTH) KPI_3 = OFFSET(KPI,3,3,1,MTH) KPI_4 = OFFSET(KPI,4,3,1,MTH) KPI_5 =...
  8. U

    How do I find pixel size of a range

    OK - so VBA it is:-) Thanks for the reply Hui - the code works just fine!
  9. U

    How do I find pixel size of a range

    Is there an easy way of obtaining information on the pixel size of a range (say width and height of the area A1:B2 or a defined print area)? Can it be done by means of a formula or does one need to resort to VBA?