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Search results

  1. S

    min max dates

    Yes that array max min worked...thank you so much
  2. S

    looping through pivot tables

    Sorry new to the forum...will upload and wait
  3. S

    min max dates

    Thanks for the macro but I am facing errors 1004 at line .FormulaArray = "=MAX(IF($A$1:$A$" & lngLastRow & "=C2,$B$1:$B$" & lngLastRow & "))" Earlier it was giving error at Range("C:E").Delete but I commented that line and now it is giving 1004 at the line mentioned above
  4. S

    min max dates

    Can someone please look at this?
  5. S

    min max dates

    Hi, I have a series of data as follows: Id Date 1 2/12/2013 2 3/12/2013 2 1/12/2013 1 4/1/2013 I have many such ids and dates. I want to find the minimum and maximum date for each distinct uid So the output can be like this: Id Min Max 1 2/12/2013...
  6. S

    looping through pivot tables

    can someone please look at this..atleast if someone can read and say whether the question is clear or not
  7. S

    looping through pivot tables

    Hi, I have a pivot table and the data in the pivot table looks as follows: UID Date Start Act 68779 12/14/2012 500 12/15/2012 $(28) 12/18/2012 $(460) 12/28/2012 $(6) 2/11/2013 $(4) The "Start" and "Act" are different occurrences of a...