So simple the answer;
A and B being the criteria, D and E being what to match to(just need to create a table with the relevent criteria), C being the amount. And drag this function down as many times as there are entries. So if there is no match, it will pop up a...
Hi again
Actually i was reading the very same page about pivots last night and found it awesomely helpfull!!!!!
The only thing is, the data is not in the same format on all 3 pages, and i don't want a pivot table output. So i was gonna use a string of vlookup functions, eg...
Hi all
The problem: I have the same values on different sheets, but with similar criteria as below. Now I need a page that has the total amounts for all the sub types that match the types.
Or simply put, I'm lazy and don't want to have to sift through all the data and add it up "manually"...