You can try two separate Line Graphs (if not already!)& then overlap one over other.
In 1st Graph I took Variance on Y-axis & Month,Complexity,Deliverable on X-axis(though I could not understand what was that)
In 2nd Graph I took just UCL & LCL (deleting all other parameters like legend...
Hi !
I tried Gauge as per u r reqmnt bt diffrnt color bands (as u say thick, thin...)dont fit in between. finally i landed up on regular simple Gauge.
I knw its not as per u r reqmnt, bt follow this link if u want.
Well, I ll upload spreadsheet in the eve. & it ll get clarified wht m trying to say.
Anywys, m not gonna say anything now, bcoz its creating more confusions. let's discuss 2maro once u refer my sprdsheet.
Thnx bddy for sparing time 4 me!
Well, none of the Doc. Sharing website opens on my Company Sever (Security policy)
I ll upload the spreadsheet frm my personal net connection in the eve.
Hui, thr is nothing to match. It realy doesnt mattr if date matches one anothr or not.
Whaterer Database (i.e. Raw Sheet) contains, I jst...
Hi Hui!
Ya, of course!
I think thr is some ambiguity. See, Desired Format is the sheet which I hav to achieve ultimately. I hav inserted the fig. for undrstnding purpose. Its not the actual result which I got from SUMPRODCT (Plez note!)
U r right, thr shud not b any result in 7th column...
Gud Morng Hui!
Yaa, I tried the formula in the same way, bt didnt work bcoz my reqtmnt is somwht diffrnt.
Let me strt frm my 1st post.. I did mention abt Raw sheet(i.e. frm whr I hav to pick up the data) In my 1st post I jst mentiond a part of it. Actual sheet formt with othr details is like...
Hi All!
Y'day I learned V Imp function i.e. SUMPRODUCT (Thnx Hui!)
But now, I hav a query, How to combine two to three SUMPRODUCT functions in a single table?
Let me elaborate. I got Prod. Qty data using Sum Prodct Functn like below
M/C No 1-Jul 2-Jul 3-Jul 4-Jul 5-Jul 6-Jul 7-Jul
Hey, Great!! Its Perfect..!
I tried this function on a fictious data. It works amazingly...!
There might b some problem about uniformity of data in my Raw Sheet. I'll try again by 2maro. Its my leaving time.
Thanks a lot again! (You saved my next 2 more days..!)
Great Work..!
Hey.. Thanx..!
I dnt knw how did it work, bt its showing results. Jst some data is missing in final results (e.g. - not showing 2nd entry of 3207 on 17th July). M verifying if I m going wrong somewhere or any rectification in formula is require, dnt knw!
Anywy Thnx...!
Hi All! M currently workin on Mgmt Dashboard. I hav been using lots of tricks n shortcuts frm this forum for my Dshbd (Thanks a lot!! Its really a GGGreat Help !)
Its been 2 days now, m struggling on a compact Table. I hav to pick up data from a raw sheet & fill it up in my Compact Table...