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  1. N

    On which occurrence John made his biggest sale?

    Hi all, It is from homework file in vlookup week, "getting the second matching value" article at chandoo website. I am having difficulty wrapping my head around this formula...
  2. N

    Array formula with INDEX, IF, SMALL and ROW functions

    You are awesome! Thank you, narayank991.
  3. N

    Array formula with INDEX, IF, SMALL and ROW functions

    @sgmpatnaik Yeap, you guessed everything right. This is exactly what I meant. I was looking for explanation how this formula works. I know what is does, but don't why is does what it does. I will see if I have queations after NARAYANK911's explanation.
  4. N

    Array formula with INDEX, IF, SMALL and ROW functions

    Thank you guys, I will read your posts after work, and let you know. I appreciate your efforts.
  5. N

    Array formula with INDEX, IF, SMALL and ROW functions

    Thanks a lot. Try to put this array formula in the yellow table in cell e22 and copy it down. You see, what it did, is made a list of items without blanks. In other words, if you have five quantities entered, only those items will appear in the yellow table, with no blanks, one after another...
  6. N

    Array formula with INDEX, IF, SMALL and ROW functions

    I can't figure out how the array formula in second table (column "E") works. The basic idea is that only when you enter the quantity in first table (column B), that very item from column A appears in second table in column E. If you leave the quantity for item XYZ blank in the first table, item...