Wanted to thank you for sharing your knowledge. I have been moving which is why there is such a gap in this entry. Having said that, I have been reviewing your submissions going into the Power Query editor, and watching videos on Power Query and now I feel like I am starting to...
Thank you for the reply... I am reviewing your latest submission to learn what I don't know. I really appreciate your assistance. CHEERS!!
Love the Logo or Avatar you use.. anyway.. what was the reason Power Query was necessary to address the problem, and is there a way to include all the questions in this data, for example: how did employee A do with the question in column H or Column I, etc?
Thank you for your reply.. I was in Hawaii for a few days and got busy.. I will take a look and see what I can learn.. I really appreciate your time
I have a Pivot Table challenge that I don't have the skill set for.
The File is a sheet from a Google form Quality Assessment that we need to be able to measure by questions and responses in columns AX-BA.
Further, the ability to measure the count and percentages by the employee per...
Thank you for helping me with this project. I see that your work accurately sums up the dates that are selected on each side of the sheet. This was exactely what I needed. In addition to adding up all the factors from point A to point B ( so to speak) I will need the Avg. I should be...
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my question. But the solution you offer is outside of my skill level. How would I go about applying the above?
I am working on a project involving determining a factor based on a CPI table.
The solution I am seeking involves 2 pieces of data, one of which I have worked out using match and index and some other formulas.
The 2nd part is a little more challenging. I need to be able to select...
You would think the article would provide that information, but it does not. However, I just figured I can see where the file is located on my home computer and try to duplicate this at work.
Thanks again for your Assistance.
You pointed me in the right direction as usual. Microsoft Common Controls -2 6.0 had "MISSING" in front of it.
I was kinda hoping it was something in the VBA rather than some missing reference files. I really don't understand anything about this type of situation.
Someone from...
Thanks Narayan
I will check under tools, references to see if the above references are missing from my work computer. If not, I will download/register them.
I will report back to the group.
I don't know if this is a common problem but I cannot get a tool that I am working on at home to function at work.
I have been working on a tool using a little bit of VBA code at home and when I try to use the tool at work I get error messages referencing a missing library.
I am not very...
Most excellent explanation indeed @NARAYANK991 .... I can feast on this for days and certainly referred to it often.
Many thanks Somendra, Azumi and Srinidhi as I have benefited from all of your input!!!
Your solution works perfectly. Thank you for your time and knowledge. I have been studying the formula to try to gain an understanding of how you arrived at the answer.
Can you tell me what SMALL(IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH does in this formula and...
Ok I have been working on this for the last 2 days and have only marginally accomplished my goal.
I am not sure why I am having such a difficult time. I am attaching my efforts on the "occurrencedetail" tab. I tried to work with the formula recommended by Azumi but was not able to figure out...
Sorry for being confusing but yes adding one more criteria role would be ideal...Im not sure how to do that but ill try to work
with that this weekend.
Hi Somendra,
No I need to present the individual employees separately.
In column B (funtionalrole) there are 2 categories "comp adjuster" and medical only adjuster. 2 employees fit these roles and will share the same of zip codes.
Although the individual employee may have more than one...
Thank you very much... I do believe this will work.
What I noticed is that because I have 2 people that share a zipcode block the formula only returns the employee related to the second block.
Is there a way of adding a second criteria? otherwise I can break the data up and I think...
I posted a small segment of the file. The "zipcodesbyemployee" tab has several more codes in the original file, and the "occurrencedetail" will have several occurrences that have zip codes that I need to have match the employee from the "zipcodesbyemployee" tab. Any help is appreciated
I have a follow up question. The solution offered works well as along as the cells are continguios. In other words as long as the employee name is in the same row.
In my situation I need some way to have the formula return the correct name even if the code is non contingious with the name
I am attempting my first Dashboard and I need help with several aspects but I'll focus on one area at this time.
I have a number of cells that contain zip codes such as: 85012,85013,85014 etc. Each block /group of codes belongs to an particular employee(s).
I used this formula...