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Search results

  1. P

    Comparing two spreadsheets for differences

    You can find the solution here: https://hotfile.com/dl/203208928/a543484/ML_Rosters.xlsx.html I have added some extraneous values in column A (highlighted in bold )of sheet 2 to represent the actual situation. I am assuming that columns B to I in sheet 2 have other information. 1) In...
  2. P

    Lookup a destination fare from a range of date on the basis of Qty dispatch

    Hi Nitesh, You can find the solution here: https://hotfile.com/dl/203206731/448280d/lookup.xlsx.html
  3. P

    Comparing two spreadsheets for differences

    Hi Stacy, This can be done using Excel. Could you please post a sample worksheet and send me the link? Refer: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook PK
  4. P

    Dynamically assign Column Widths in a ListBox

    Hi All! I am trying to dynamically assign column width for each column in a listbox. I am calculating the maximum length of a string in a column and assigning maximum length + 5 as the column width. But when the list box pops up after the code is executed, all the column values still remain...
  5. P

    Ctrl shift and arrow keys

    Click one any one of the cells in the table and press ctrl+A PK
  6. P

    Data Validation utilizing Vlookup

    Hi, If I understand your question right, I think what you are looking for is dependent lists validation. Google "dependent list validation excel". Let me know if you have more questions. PK
  7. P

    Help greatly appreciated! Displaying excel table in a pop up window

    Hui, Thanks a lot! it works great! Appreciate your help. Regards, PK
  8. P

    Help greatly appreciated! Displaying excel table in a pop up window

    Hui and Shrivallabha, Many thanks to both of you. I really appreciate your help! Hui: I tried your method. However I kept getting this error "Run time error 381: invalid array property". Could you please tell me how to fix this? Also, I have uploaded a sample file.Could you please tell...
  9. P

    Help greatly appreciated! Displaying excel table in a pop up window

    Hi Everyone, I was wondering if there is a way in excel-vba to do this. In sheet A, I have 10 tables. Each table is assigned a table name and has two columns (a list of fields in column 1 and the corresponding data types in column 2). I have added a hyperlink to the cell which contains the...