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  1. M

    Team Matrix ?

    Deb - Output would "exactly" be the same as the matrix output you produced. We can have 3 matrices - 1 to show the number of days, 1 to show the number of departments and another one to show the number of functions - that two people worked together in Let me know if you still need a sample output
  2. M

    Team Matrix ?

    Deb, On Testing this, find that it would only work when there is 1 instance of each resource. Remember that there can be multiple instances of each resource - where he worked in different departments, functions. We would require something that fetches the Emp and goes into a loop to derive...
  3. M

    Team Matrix ?

    Deb, Could you also show much many functions within a department the 2 people worked together and also how many departments they worked together in 2 separate formula sheets ? Would really appreciate this
  4. M

    Team Matrix ?

    Oof Deb ! Spped just got redefined .. Looks good on first look - let me test it and revert with comments many many thanks until then
  5. M

    Team Matrix ?

    Deb, If we have a matrix, we can look up the coordinates (row/col) and find how many days one worked with the other. But to create this, we would require VBA code - not just formulas - since it needs to process each employee and check against the other employees for the dates - creating the...
  6. M

    Team Matrix ?

    And yes - the period can be in days
  7. M

    Team Matrix ?

    This is the right representation (Empty) 12345 67890 12345----------45 67890--- 45
  8. M

    Team Matrix ?

    Here you go: EmpID, Function, Department, From Dt, To Dt Line Items are around 8,000. Unique employees are around 1800+ Some of the employees worked in different functions within the same department Example: EmpID, Function, Department, From Dt, To Dt 12345, PettyCash, Accounts, 01.01.2010...
  9. M

    Team Matrix ?

    Am trying to create a matrix based on how long a person has known another. Let me explain: 1. Mark works in DeptA from 01.01.2010 to 30.10.2010 2. Sam works in DeptA from 01.02.2010 to 31.11.2010 3. Bill works in DeptA from 01.09.2010 to 30.09.2010 Hence, Mark and Sam know each other...
  10. M

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi, I am Michael from Chennai - Mike for Short - VB are my initials - added "A" to it - to sound like I got a doctorate in VBA :-) Am a VBA enthusiast – am good at it for those who are not and am poor at it for those who are good at it – but nowhere am I the last, I can also do something...