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  1. B

    Overlapping Times

    Excellent. Worked like a charm!! Thank you.. :)
  2. B

    Overlapping Times

    Sorry...See attached. Thanks.
  3. B

    Overlapping Times

    Thanks. But for some reason when I use that formula, for Name "Smith", the first row answer is correct, but subsequent ones for Smith are incorrect. I take it is because Smith has more than one pair in the spreadsheet. The data I have will have multiple repeating pairs. Is it possible to do...
  4. B

    Overlapping Times

    I am looking for a formula that will give me the overlapping times for two paired time periods per day, per person. See attached sample. Figured out how to get total time, but not sure how to get cross-over timeframe in minutes (as shown in Column F). Any ideas? Thanks.
  5. B

    Matching Dates and Highlighting Rows

    Actually, one cells did have a wrong date, but I fixed it. (said 7/1/2013, now says 7/15/2009). Anyway, each workbook has two sheets in it. I am trying to compare Sheet 2 to Sheet 1 for each ID column, if Date (column A) matches the date range in columns A through B, then I need both rows...
  6. B

    Matching Dates and Highlighting Rows

    I have an Excel 2010 workbook with two Sheets in it. Sheet 1 has a "date from" column and a "date through" column along with ID and name columns. Sheet 2 has simply a "date" column that has a single date along with an ID and name. I need a macro that highlights rows in both Sheets when the...