Well, that looks like the same amount of work as far as copying and pasting formulas and once there's one helper column one more doesn't make any difference :-
I did get them all done. I used columns N and O with the same row range as the H and I columns. If a cell in H or I is red it will...
Is there a way to do that without having to input all the CF formulas? Each cell has a relative cell that applies to it. That would be a major undertaking I would think. IF that's the case I'd say forget it.
Here's a couple of my conditional formatting formulas:
For the weekly tasks: =7<=(DATEDIF(IF(E7="",$C$2,E7),$C$4,"d"))
For the monthly tasks: =31<=DATEDIF(IF(E28="",$C$2,E28),$C$4,"d")
THe rest are similar for the other interval tasks. I have semi-annual, annual, bi-annual...
It was another runtime error '9': subscript out of range. The debugger highlighted a line in the DisplayedColor function. I've "highlighted" it with stars *****
Were you able to download my document?
' Arguments
' ----------------
' Cell - Required Range, not a String value, for...
Thanks. I tried it but it gave me an error. I was running out the door and didn't have time to write it down. I will look at it agin tomorrow and let you know. I can remember it was an error in the other guy's code not yours. I was reading some logs from another linked forum and it seems that...
ah well, if it's gonna be too tricky, I could post all the conditional format formulas. I have 18 altogether. Nine of them apply to column H and 9 apply to column I. LOL! Are you regretting this yet?
P.S. oh and there might be a couple that only apply to individual, unique cells
P.S.S. and...
Here's ColorOfCF and GetStrippedValue as well (for reference):
Function GetStrippedValue(CF As String) As String
Dim Temp As String
If InStr(1, CF, "=", vbTextCompare) Then
Temp = Mid(CF, 3, Len(CF) - 3)
If Left(Temp, 1) = "=" Then
Temp = Mid(Temp, 2)
End If
Temp = CF
Wow, thanks for the help! I assigned the main macro to a button and when I executed it I got an error in the ActiveCondition function - not your code. Strange that it ran fine when it was used by ColorOfCF in the worksheet with a formula but now it's throwing a fit. The error is: Runtime error...
I have different conditional rules applied to many different cells so that might make your suggestion a bit more challenging. As I stated the ColorOfCF function does work to identify the cell interior color. The value that ColorOfCF returns for red (the color I'm concerned with) is 255. Yes...
Hello, I'm trying to get some code for a specific tasks. I'm less than a noob at Excel VBA and I'm currently working on a maintenance task sheet for a couple of generators and need help. I have successfully created button macros to input dates but now I think I'm in over my head. I would like a...