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  1. B

    How to paste data across multiple cells

    Hi bobhc, Thanks for answering my question. Actually, I can edit the PDF document, so it's not locked down, I believe. When I try to cut and paste, all of the data is rammed into one column, (I need it to be in seven columns). Is there any way to cut and paste the data over multiple...
  2. B

    How to paste data across multiple cells

    Hi, This is a pretty basic question, but it really has me stumpted. I am trying to paste data from a PDF document into an Excel document. I just need to be able to paste 7 cells worth of data into Excel. (I've tried pasting the entire PDF document **ten pages worth of data** -- which did...
  3. B

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi, I'm bejdln from Boston. I just came across the site today. I am in the middle of working on an Excel file, and this looked like a site that might be able to answer some of my questions. I hope that I will be able to contribute eventually as well. Thanks for everyone's assistance!