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Search results

  1. A

    Entering current time

    Thank you very much friends! Luke Thanx a lot!!! it works perfect!
  2. A

    Entering current time

    Hi People! Thanx a lot for helping me! I need the range or square from C4:C200 (and sometimes more) to X4:X200
  3. A

    Entering current time

    Hello to all forum dwellers! Please advice. I have an excel table with workers name and when did they start to install the appliance or whatever. I need to define a specific range of cells (not each cell), which by double clicking on it, current time is shows up. Ihave this code below, but it's...
  4. A

    Dynamic Database with barcode enabled

    Good Day People! Can somebody help me with this issue? I need help in P/N quick finding.I see that Chandoo is the best Excel site I ever knew!!I really wonder if somebody can advice how to do this: I have an enormous database with numerous number of P/N's, S/N's and etc' I need to find...
  5. A

    Dynamic Database with barcode enabled

    Hi People! Thanx for response! Barcode is the number...part number. I want Excel to find all devices,documents with the specific P/N like I press "CTRL+F" function...Where can I find the example of such a workbook? Or if I could send you my file to enter there this function please? Thank you...
  6. A

    Dynamic Database with barcode enabled

    Hi Dear Chandoo!!! I really like your site! It helps me a lot in my life thank your hard work people! I need help in database building.Please somebody advice how to do this: I have an enormous database with numerous nummber of P/N's, S/N's and etc' I really really need to find quickly the P/N...
  7. A

    Rows and Columns

    Thank you very much!!! Very useful information!!!
  8. A

    Rows and Columns

    I'm completely new in Excel, a beginner. Here's the simple questions for the beginning I ask somebody to help me. 1. How do I set my worksheet the way I see only A to G columns for example, not from A to infinity? 2.Ho do I set quickly rows and columns to the same size,like a "comb" in...