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Search results

  1. F

    Macro to copy/paste filtered columns to different workbook

    Hi, I tried searching the forum but can't quite find the right help. I have multiple files(workbooks)with multiple tabs that i need to filter 2 columns (CR_id and Accepted?) for data. Then copy paste the data from those 2 filtered columns to a new master workbook/file. Sometimes the...
  2. F

    Populate dates based on IF condition between 2 columns

    Hmm, still getting data from Date1 column (data from Date2 column should have priority). Date1 Date2 Date3 8/31/2012 11/09/2012 8/31/2012 (should be 11/09/2012) 10/11/2012 01/09/2013 10/11/2012 (should be 01/09/2013)
  3. F

    Populate dates based on IF condition between 2 columns

    WOW!!That is so "magical", especially the F2+Enter function. That also seems to correct where Date2 value should supercede Date1 value. Can we use F2+Enter for multiple cells at a time rather than 1 cell at at time? We have hundreds of empty cells to populate. Again, Thank YOU !!. Date1...
  4. F

    Populate dates based on IF condition between 2 columns

    Hi SirJB7, https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7jxoehGdcTkUTFsT2NGNzlLWXM/edit Can you explain why some dates are not populating in column Date3 when there are dates in column Date2? Thank you.
  5. F

    Populate dates based on IF condition between 2 columns

    Never mind, not able to find it again. Where do we recommend/rate you Excel Ninja?
  6. F

    Populate dates based on IF condition between 2 columns

    Looks like I was looking for American date 12/1/2012 for Dec 1 when the result shows European date 12/1/2012 for Jan 12. Regarding my data, will upload soon Thank you Sir JB7
  7. F

    Populate dates based on IF condition between 2 columns

    Oh no ! Priority should be Date2 but it appears Date1 gets populated 11/13/2012 11/06/2012 11/13/2012 11/5/2012 11/19/2012 11/5/2012 11/5/2012 10/31/2012 11/5/2012 11/26/2012 11/26/2012 11/26/2012 11/13/2012 11/26/2012 11/13/2012 11/13/2012 12/11/2012 12/11/2012...
  8. F

    Populate dates based on IF condition between 2 columns

    Awsome! On your spreadsheet most everything works except for the last set 12/1/2012 #N/A 01/12/2012 The result should be 12/1/2012.
  9. F

    Populate dates based on IF condition between 2 columns

    Thank you SirJB7 for the quick response. The results show the following: Date1 Date2 Date3 empty empty [empty] 12/1/2012 1/1/2013 [empty] empty 1/1/2013 1/1/2013 empty #NA 1/1/2013 12/1/2012 #NA [empty] Your assumptions mostly correct, except our data starts on row2. The first row is for...
  10. F

    Populate dates based on IF condition between 2 columns

    Hi, Sample below with Date3 column showing what the results should be Date1 Date2 Date3 12/1/2012 1/1/2013 1/1/2013 empty 1/1/2013 1/1/2013 empty #NA empty empty empty empty 12/1/2012 #NA 12/1/2012 Based on above example, how can I Populate Date3 based on the following criteria...