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  1. J

    simple calculation multiple steps and is difficult to explain

    Thank you very much! It works perfectly. I hope you have a great weekend. Thanks again
  2. J

    simple calculation multiple steps and is difficult to explain

    let me rephrase again...difficult for ME to explain...I speak for a living and am very thankful you are here because numbers are a big challenge for me. If 101 is greater than or equal to B2 yet less than B3 then 101 x 5.0% If 101 is greater than B3 then 101 x 5.25% If 101 is greater than or...
  3. J

    simple calculation multiple steps and is difficult to explain

    I will put this into actual figures: A1 = 101 B1 = 91 B2 = 101 B3 = 111 The distance between B1 - B2 is 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 and 100. If 101 was equal to or above 111 then 101 x 5.25 If 101 was below B1 then 101 x 0.00 If 101 is between B1 and B2 then 101 x 5.0 If 101 was...
  4. J

    simple calculation multiple steps and is difficult to explain

    Here is what i want a formula to do: If (A1>=B1 = A1x5% and If A1>=B3 = A1x5.25% and If A1>=B2 = A1x4.75% and If A1<B2 = A1x0 Yet if A1 is equal to the distance between B1 through B2 = A1x5%). All in one formula. Make sense?
  5. J

    need a formula to exclude negatives

    sweet, you rock. thank you very much.
  6. J

    need a formula to exclude negatives

    Basic formula - =SUM(C7-D7)...ok easily accomplished but I don't want a negative number to show up. If the sum D7 from C7 is less than 0 it should go no lower than 0.