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Search results

  1. M

    How to find number of rows that meets cumulative percentage critieria

    Hi all, I would like to thanks for trying to help me. @ Hui This is a very good point Hui, but on this data from survey it is better to use median than mean. Actually this data shows full sample of country survey, and weights are here just to give representativeness for this sample on the...
  2. M

    How to find number of rows that meets cumulative percentage critieria

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/xbvi0ks2uudo15h/Sample%20book%20-%20%20number%20of%20row%20that%20meet%20cumulative%20perentage%20criteria.xlsx I would like just put sum "magic" formula to search this row, not to calculate weighted median in aditional column...
  3. M

    How to find number of rows that meets cumulative percentage critieria

    I want to calculate weighted median so i need to find number of rows that meets cumulative percentage criteria (<=50.0%). I have two columns, with sorted values and corresponding weights. My calculation of weighted median of values will be in the same row values where first cell of weights...