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  1. C

    Macro to select something from the drop down list

    Hi Excel Ninja, Please find my file . Refer link : https://hotfile.com/dl/195276015/4f0fb0a/Test1.xlsm.html Dates are given in the tab "Date Source". The source for the drop down list is dynamic name range "Date". Now the date in the "Date Source" tab would change. So I want whenever the...
  2. C

    Macro to select something from the drop down list

    Hi, I have a workbook which has two dropdown lists consisting of dates . I want to write a macro which would automatically selects the 3rd/4th item in the second drop down list whenever the source data gets changed for the drop down list.
  3. C

    Edit Excel Formula using VBA

    Thank you . I will try this
  4. C

    Edit Excel Formula using VBA

    Hi , I have an excel workbook which has formulas spread from Column B to Column EX. Now I want to edit all the formula to the new formula as "=iferror(<original formula>,"") " . The formula across all the columns are different. Is there a way In Excel that I can add the extra iferror...
  5. C

    Charts formed from Name ranges

    Sir , To check this what are the possible settings that I should look for that would be different in the two systems. As the file is running in one system but not in other.
  6. C

    Charts formed from Name ranges

    Hi Sir, Yeah so the way my charts are built is the data source for the charts are in the same workbook as the charts are in. So it is just one standalone workbook .
  7. C

    Charts formed from Name ranges

    Yes I am making a copy of the workbook and then using it in the other system.
  8. C

    Charts formed from Name ranges

    Hi , I have built a chart using dynamic named ranges. The problem that I am facing is I tested it on two systems . One system the charts works fine but the other system the charts does not work . Both are excel 2007. Now the error that I get is if I see the chart data source from one system it...
  9. C

    Shrinking Excel 2010 File Size

    Thank you all for the great suggestions. My file do not have links with other External Files. It just has internal links in the workbook , lots of Vlookups and Sumifs and DataValidation. @Dhamo : Could you please explain me more what is your suggestion. I could not really understand it.
  10. C

    Shrinking Excel 2010 File Size

    Hi , I am using Excel 2010 to build a calculation intensive workbook. I have written some macros as well. The file extension is xlsm. It takes a lot of time to open the file nearly 55 seconds ( I do not quite understand the reason behind it ) . The file size with extension xlsm is 7.5 MB. But...
  11. C

    Formulas showing as values in charts

    Hi Narayan, Thank you for replying back. So if I use the template that you suggested. Which Sheet's name should it be , the sheet which has the namerange's data or the sheet which has the chart.
  12. C

    Formulas showing as values in charts

    Hi , I have made few area charts using dynamic name ranges in Excel 2010. When I right click on the chart and go to "Select Data". for any series collection I write =<workbookname>!<dynamic name range> . It works perfectly fine in Excel 2010. Now when I try to open the file in...