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  1. D

    Concatenate, Address Vlookup

    Hui, excellent Many thanks. trully a massive time saver. It works really welll thanks the only issue i have now is that the concat is over flowing the ammount of data that can be put into the cell, but thats okay as it flags that something else is wrong in the data.... but thats not my...
  2. D

    Concatenate, Address Vlookup

    Hi old chippy, thanks for the trim function, I am currently working with it. but to answer your question, I have only on coloum of data but its rather long...... thanks for your help D9H
  3. D

    Concatenate, Address Vlookup

    Hi Hui, Many thanks for the UDF 'concat" it does really work very well. however is it possible to put in a referance from another cell into the range so that the concat range is selected from a set of vairable values. sorry to be a pain. thanks D9H
  4. D

    Concatenate, Address Vlookup

    I am trying to concatenate lots (100's of rows) of information together and will need to select the rows via a vlookup. I will need to do lots of these conatenates and each one will have a different starting and ending cell. I am trying to enter the cell address in concatenate function with...