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  1. M

    powerpivot charts

    But how can I sort my chart based on values from highest to lowest and not alphabetical order? I clicked manual in the link you posted to custom sort it, but it doesn't work, and when I try to drag the values, nothing happens. Please advise. Thanks Chandoo.
  2. M

    powerpivot charts

    Hi, how can I sort the values in a powerpivot stacked chart from highest to lowest? It only gives me the option to sort them in abc order. Thanks.
  3. M

    Pivot charts

    Hi, can someone please explain to me in layman's terms how I can create multiple pivot charts from the same pivot table, without modifying each chart with the current pivot? Do I have to create 15 different pivot tables to make 15 different charts, or can I create 15 different charts from the...