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  1. C

    Fix text input convert to date!!

    Hi, thanks you all for helping. Hi NARAYANK991, the file I got is in .csv format which was generated from website. I tried to set format for the column A (IDs), and text to columns function was activated. But there were few lines falling on the wrong colums... Anyway, I think you are right...
  2. C

    Fix text input convert to date!!

    Hi, thank you all for your advice. And gracias SirJB7! But I think I did not make my concern clearly. Let me elaborate it again: I have a list of IDs containing alphanumeric entries and only numberic entries which are unique (date is an invalid ID). The problem is excel automatically converted a...
  3. C

    Fix text input convert to date!!

    It is a yes to all your questions. I already tried those tips: 1. Set to General: it would be displayed "40991", which is not actual ID 2. Set it to Custom format: "mmmd", which is correct for only "march27" nut not correct for "jun2012" and "7december". And please be noted that I have a very...
  4. C

    Fix text input convert to date!!

    2 different cells: A: Names, B: IDs which is registered as "march27" converted to --> 27-Mar
  5. C

    Fix text input convert to date!!

    Hi, Please help to fix this: I have a list of registration having mixed between numbers and text but excel (2007) automatically converted to date. I dont know how to convert it back to original text. For example: Name ID ---> Output David C march27 27-Mar Adam A...