I'd like to setup a workbook for my billiards club, including the ability to generate singles and doubles matches for the first rung, generate the remaining rungs, and be able to select the winners in one rung to pass to the next level match. I figured this would be the best forum to find...
I was answering your questions below when I thought of trying to delete the CF rules and recreating a single rule with just the Fill defined, avoiding the Number format tab. Hooray it works!
The CF is formula based, "=$A69=CalcDate" where A69 is the top-left cell in the table. The CFs, all...
I have created tables in a workbook which adjust in number of rows based on the number of months that need to be represented. The start and finish date are contained in cells and the adjustment macro runs from a command button using the code snippet below:
I remembered the tip - enter a couple of numbers, say 1 and 2, in two cells, one above the other. Select both then double-click the selection handle on the lower-right of the selection. It will then automatically fill the series to the bottom of the list, assuming the blank cells are next to a...
This was one of the greatest tricks I've seen in Excel and I can't find the newsletter, even though I keep most of them. It was a newsletter in the past couple of months, and the tip showed how to fill in row numbers in a blank column. I know there are other ways :).
I've got a complex spreadsheet with >25 tabs, vba code behind all + modules, named ranges and tables. I recently did an update for my users, but they are experiencing computer freeze-up or BSOD on trying to save the file (saving through code).
Wanting to debug the problem, I tried the...
Excel automatically adjusts formulas in a workbook which refer to a Table range (one created by using Insert-Table) such as $A$36:$H$55 if the number of rows in the table changes. This includes adjusting the formulas in the Table range itself. If I hard-code a range in code which is part of that...