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  1. D

    Count number of patients receiving same set of exams

    Hell's Bells, I can't get the spreadsheet to come out right. I may have to defer that to my teenage son. I'm not sure how my children were born with these skills when neither of their parents have them.
  2. D

    Count number of patients receiving same set of exams

    Sorry for the delay in Thanking you for your assistance. I think I have figured out how to get the numbers I need. The countif function gives me the number of time each exam was performed, not necessarily the number of patients that had both exams in the same visit. I probably did not explain...
  3. D

    Count number of patients receiving same set of exams

    I'm trying to create a formula to calculate the number of patients undergoing the same set of exams. Example: Pt ID Exam A CT abd without contrast A CT abd with contrast B CT abd without contrast C CT head D CT abd without...