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  1. G

    my date highlights are also on the next month

    Hi Hui 1. Change the numbers in Row 4 from Numbers to Dates E4: =E2 *This got me but I worked it out F4: =E4+1 *same for this one Copy F4 across Apply a Custom Number Format to Row 4 as d *I did not know this, you Learn everday 2. Change the CF to: =AND(E$4>=$C5...
  2. G

    my date highlights are also on the next month

    Hi all I got a lot of help from reading Chandoo's post with my code, but now I have come to a stop, I have a small problem, I have tried everything, I only have this last thing to do. as you can see from the file, my date highlights are also on the next month (Dec) I need them to only go to...
  3. G

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi all, Gary from Sydney Australia, I'm a retired Truck driver. before that I worked at Commodore Computers Australia in the 80s & 90s. I also ran a BBS years before the Internet, to past time now, I have learned HTML & CSS & have done a few websits, I used spreadsheets at Commodore that being...