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  1. R

    Very Customized Data Validation

    Chandoo, I figured out some issues. The Excel I`m using is in Portuguese, strangely some functions work if I state them in English, some not, I need to state in Portuguese. Secondly, it uses ";" instead of "," as argument separator. Stating that, could you explaing if there is an way to...
  2. R

    Very Customized Data Validation

    Hi Chandoo, I do not understand. Do I need to do a VBA code as you suggested or it is something I can do using the Excel alone? If it is to use the Excel alone, how I do that? How do I separate the typing from the displayng? Regards,
  3. R

    Very Customized Data Validation

    Hi Chandoo, I got your point now. The way you did, it is needed to type the dot (.) and I was trying with out typing it, that's why it was not working. Could we do in a way that the dot (.) does not need to be typed but shows with it afterwards? Regards
  4. R

    Very Customized Data Validation

    Hi Chandoo, good morning Two things: 1. I can only place the formula if take the "=" symbol out, this way: AND(ISNUMBER(B2+0),LEN(B2)=11,FIND(".",B2)=6) 2. I did not understand what means "replace B2 with actual top-left cell address with relative reference". The cell I want to do the...
  5. R

    Very Customized Data Validation

    Hi Chandoo, Maybe you could help me. I need to do a very customized Data Validation. The parameters: 1. It is a number. 2. It has leading Zeros, can be serveral 3. It has 10 digits and I want to show an error message like "Please fill with exactly 10 digits" if the cell is filled with...