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Search results

  1. E

    Donut/Pie outer/middle/inner circles excel chart

    Hui Thank you. Will try and post you updates.
  2. E

    Donut/Pie outer/middle/inner circles excel chart

    Hui Thank you. I see donut chart but for better readability purposes can we please try categories with different options like : - Leave outer circle with -no- color for english, math and science but label them with their total count - Use green color for inner circle for completed with...
  3. E

    Donut/Pie outer/middle/inner circles excel chart

    Hui Thank you. Hw9 should be completed. BTW excel donut has only one outer circle. Inner circles for completed & pending seems missing :-( as there is no data in columns J & K. Can you please assist further to populate those data's and inner donut circles.
  4. E

    Donut/Pie outer/middle/inner circles excel chart

    Need help in generating excel based donut/pie chart. Here is sample data: Hw1, English,completed,due date 15-Aug-2010 Hw2, Math,pending,due date 15-Aug-2010 Hw3, Math,completed,due date 15-Aug-2010 Hw4, Science,completed,due date 20-Aug-2010 Hw5, English,pending,due date 15-Aug-2010...
  5. E

    convert word form into excel sheet

    No luck in converting 2007 Word doc/FORM into 2007 Excel. An example would be great...any thoughts?
  6. E

    convert word form into excel sheet

    Hui, thank you for references. We are using word & excel 2007; tried all options suggested. Somehow the filled word FORM data is saved as all ones and zeros and hence unable see the filled FORM context in excel other than 1's and 0's . Any suggestions?
  7. E

    convert word form into excel sheet

    Guys, Any one knows or can provide me pointers to any [free] tools/scripts that, -Reads MSFT word document (kind a questionnaire Form where user fills name, age, sex, address etc), and -Generate records based MSFT excel spreadsheet (one simple record per Form that shows, name age sex, etc...
  8. E

    How to append multiple [resulted] values into a column/worksheet?

    How to append multiple resulted values into a column? Can we use VLOOKUP,INDEX,MATCH,COUNTIF ISNA ISERROR etc formulaes? Case: Data in colA of worksheet1 should be compared with data in colB of worksheet2 and if matches retrieve value from colC of worksheet2 and paste result/value in colB...