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  1. M

    Bar graphs

    If could just change the series 1 to reflect on the chart layout to reflect 3(5%) 25(42%) 32(53%). Then I should be sorted.
  2. M

    Bar graphs

    Thanx for your assistance, i have tested it, it is exactly how I want it, however the final product when I produce a bar graph it puts a label called series with numbers. What I want is the label on the graph to be: Frequency(%) then the following under each graph 3(5%) 25(42%) 32(53%). So the...
  3. M

    Bar graphs

    Hi, I have a bar graph with frequencies and percentages, how do I make the graph label to show something like "3(5%)" as a label per graph depending on the frequency number. for example 3 = actual frequency 5% = percentage of the frequency to the total.