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Search results

  1. C

    Concatenate excluding blanks

    Hi Abhi, I tried this but just seem to be getting lots of ; where not needed but dont worry it might be me :( Im just glad Ive got a solution. Thanks again
  2. C

    Concatenate excluding blanks

    Thank you you are a star, you have saved me a lot of time as I was trying all sorts of ways. Thanks again :)
  3. C

    Concatenate excluding blanks

    Hi, I have a row of data which I need to concatenate with a ; between each value. Unfortunately I have blanks in my data. Please could you help I have tried to search for an answer to this but cannot find anything data 4 blank cell 8 25 blank cell blank cell 1 2 blank cell...
  4. C

    If Statement with VLookup

    Hi all, Sorry for the delay in getting back to you all but I couldn't get the above to work using the field I was looking up, (E2) but I had a corresponding field in D2 which seems to give me the output I was looking for. Thanks all for your help. Claire
  5. C

    If Statement with VLookup

    Hi thanks, Im looking at column K
  6. C

    If Statement with VLookup

    Hi, I have trawled through all the questions on vlookup but cant seem to find an answer similar to what I'm trying to achieve. Here goes I'm looking up a cell which will either hold a value or be blank, if the cell holds a value I want to output a 4 (not the value in the cell) but if it is...
  7. C

    VLookup wild cards [SOLVED]

    Thanks for this tip I'll give it a go as well. Claire
  8. C

    VLookup wild cards [SOLVED]

    Hi everyone thanks for your posts sorry I haven't got back to you sooner. Narayan, thank you this helps narrow down the data Im looking for but I still get some N/As. But its a lot better than it was before :) Claire
  9. C

    VLookup wild cards [SOLVED]

    Hi, Im trying to lookup the contents of a cell but I know the contents of the cell will not be an exact match, is there anyway I can use a wildcard or has someone got a better way of doing this My formula is =VLOOKUP(C4,SM_CC!B:C,2,FALSE) C4 holds the text Pinewood but the column Im looking...
  10. C

    concatenating data from fields with more than one duplicate entry

    Hi Suresh, That works now, thank you, not sure where I went wrong before. Kind regards Claire
  11. C

    concatenating data from fields with more than one duplicate entry

    Hi Sajan, Thank you for this, Ive hit a problem, I can get the first piece of formula to work for the Helper colum, but I cannot get the result coulmn to work, I just get a #NAME? error. I understand the code for the Helper column but am completely lost for the code for the result column...
  12. C

    concatenating data from fields with more than one duplicate entry

    Hi file is here http://www.2shared.com/file/O3O0Bayg/DuplicatesConcatenate.html
  13. C

    concatenating data from fields with more than one duplicate entry

    Hi thanks for the tip, Im just waiting for a verification email & then will upload.
  14. C

    concatenating data from fields with more than one duplicate entry

    Hi I have some data where there is more than one entry per person & I need to concatenate data from a particular field for each duplicate entry. Candidate QUALWT from lookup 1000026 6 6;10 1000026 10 1000091 13 13;6; 10 1000091 6 1000091 10 1000133 6 6;10...
  15. C

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hello, I've been using Excel dasily in my role since January & have only scratched the service of its capabilities, but I still have problems with some things that I would assume are quite simple. This site is fantastic I signed up to the emails a couple of months ago, now I need a bit of...