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Search results

  1. C

    using Countif

    Found an answer that works for me on "Best way to compare spreadsheets". Thanks for your time!
  2. C

    using Countif

    Thanks you for your suggestion. Not sure why, but this didn't work either. I am quite the novice at this. Maybe more info would help. I want to compare 2 list of e-mail addresses. Most of the addresses will be the same, but one list has the "new" e-mail addresses that have been collected...
  3. C

    using Countif

    Hello, I read on your site how to compare 2 lists of data using the countif function. I must be doing something wrong, because when I compare list 1 to list 2 (ex. =countif(e1:e1166,b1)>0 ) it works, but when I compare list 2 to list 1 (ex. =countif(b1:b1165,e1)>0 ) it doesn't work...