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Search results

  1. M

    Simple macro to copy data with criteria

    A extension to this....if I have to copy data to different file. Or pull data (filtered) from one file to another file. Or both. I need to move data, which is filtered based on certain criteria, from one file to a different file, which will use that data for further analysis. Please guide me.
  2. M

    Date formats

    Thanks a ton...Luke
  3. M

    Date formats

    Please help me with date format, I'm importing a data from diffrent software and pasting it on excel sheet. The date format in that software is dd/mm/yyyy whereas in excel it is mm/dd/yyyy. Please advise on how to homogenies the date formats. As date is an critical field for entire analysis...
  4. M

    Closing excel through a VB code

    Hi Anupam, Actually I've created a button in an application as EXIT...I want the file to close after performing certain defined functions, like hiding few sheets, saving the file.
  5. M

    Closing excel through a VB code

    Please help me to write a macroi for closing a open excel file on clicking a button.
  6. M

    Filtering data based on the value (dynamic) in a cell

    I'm looking out for coding affecting changes in the filtered data as soon as the selection in dropdown list changes. Else I'll have to create separate macros for each selection which will be too lenghty. If we can have some code say like : Selection.AutoFilter...
  7. M

    Filtering data based on the value (dynamic) in a cell

    Thanks but I'm looking out for coding affecting changes in the filtered data as soon as the selection in dropdown list changes. Else I'll have to create separate macros for each selection which will be too lenghty. If we can have some code say like : Selection.AutoFilter...
  8. M

    Filtering data based on the value (dynamic) in a cell

    I've created a dropdown list, I want to create a filter in a column which filters the data based on the selection in the dropdown list or a cell. The cell value or list value keeps on changing based on selection the filter should respond with the changes in selection. Kindly help.
  9. M

    Creating a Lists for Selection and oraganise data fields/cloumns as per selecti

    Although I have resolved the problem (but a lengthy one)in a simple way, by inserting data for filter into a single column (populating the data based on dropdown list using if function from various columns having diffrent data) but surely I'll try pivot table too. Thanks
  10. M

    Creating a Lists for Selection and oraganise data fields/cloumns as per selecti

    Thanks for the guidance....it really helped. Further to this, I would like to sort the data in columns based on the selection in the third drop down list. Now, I would like to apply filters on different columns (one at a time)containing the formula based data to sort the entire data based on...
  11. M

    Creating a Lists for Selection and oraganise data fields/cloumns as per selecti

    I want to create a sheet with multiple selection list boxes or lists which are dependant sequentianlly i.e. data in the list is dependant on the selection of other list. And depending on the selection the data in columns changes to show filtered data with print option (only of filtered data)...